How can I get dynamic checkbox checked value in jQuery?
Dung Do Tien Nov 05 2020 426
I have a form with a list of categories for user choose but It generates dynamic from an array, and how can I get checked value from the user?
This is my code by core:
<div class="custom-select">
@foreach (var cate in Model.ListCategory)
<input id="optCateitem-@cate.Id" type="checkbox" value="@cate.Id" />
<lable for="optCateitem-@cate.Id">@cate.Title</lable>
<div clas="form-item">
<button type="button" id="btnSubmit">Submit</button>
Now I want to click to Submit
button, I will alert all options categories selected from the user.
Thanks for any suggestions!!
Have 1 answer(s) found.
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Marry Christ Nov 08 2020
I think dynamic or fix, they are the same and we have some way to get checkbox checked value.
First, you have to set a name for the check box, because we'll get the value selected through the name attribute.
<input id="optCateitem-@cate.Id" type="checkbox" value="@cate.Id" name="cbCategory" />
And in jquery code:
var checkboxChecked = $('.custom-select input[name=cbCategory]:checked'); checkboxChecked.each(function(){ // Do stuff here with this });
You can see some other solution and example from this q&a.
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