SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing in Python 3.8.2
Dung Do Tien Aug 23 2021 199
Hello Guys, I just studying Python 3.8.2 and I have an array as below and I want to know the length of each item.
wellknow_book = [['Clear code', 'Pro Python 1', 'Pro Python 2'],
['Asp.Net Pro', 'Css standard', 'Js in 36hs']]
for x in range(len(wellknow_book)):
for y in range(len(wellknow_book[x])):
print("This book name has length of:" + " " + str(len(wellknow_book[x][y]))
But when I run it I got an error SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing.
File "", line 8
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
I still do not understand what is EOF, Anybody can explain to me?
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- H0
Hà Minh Aug 23 2021
EOF stands for
End of File
. This represents the last character in a Python program. Python reaches the end of a file before running every block of code if You forget to enclose code inside a special statement like a for loop, a while loop, or a function.So you can see that your code is not valid and you forgot to enclose for
method.wellknow_book = [['Clear code', 'Pro Python 1', 'Pro Python 2'], ['Asp.Net Pro', 'Css standard', 'Js in 36hs']] for x in range(len(wellknow_book)): for y in range(len(wellknow_book[x])): print("This book name has length of:" + " " + str(len(wellknow_book[x][y])))
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