The specified task executable "dotnet" could not be run.
Dung Do Tien Feb 12 2020 835
I have a website written by .net core and I deploy to docker Linux Ubuntu 18 when I build image docker I get an error below :
The specified task executable "dotnet" could not be run. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (12): Cannot allocate memory [/src/ABC.App/ABC.App.csproj]
Please support me if you have any suggestions.
Have 2 answer(s) found.
- D1
Dung Do Tien Feb 17 2020
Hi Mr.Dung
I also get this error on Linux Ubuntu 18 in VPS of vultr. I have to restart my server and it working for me.
1. Server environment: Restart your server
2. Development environment: Restart Visual studio (your editor).
I hope this helpful for you.
- M0
Manish Kumar Feb 18 2020
Wow. It working for me.
Thanks Jonh Jacker many
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