TypeError: get(...)._f.ref.focus is not a function in ReactJs
Dung Do Tien Mar 14 2022 90
I'm working with Reactjs. In an element registered by React-Hook-Form, I can't use ref to access the element.
This is my code:
className="flex-1 p-0 w-full bg-transparent border-0 text-base placeholder-gray-600 focus:ring-0 custom-scrollbar"
When I run code, it appears the error like this:
TypeError: get(...)._f.ref.focus is not a function
Please help me, Thank you for any solution.
Have 1 answer(s) found.
- M0
Máté Kovács Mar 14 2022
You can fix this error by change
ref={e => { register('message').ref(e); inputChatRef.current = e; }}
Below is the full code for you:
<textarea name="message" className="flex-1 p-0 w-full bg-transparent border-0 text-base placeholder-gray-600 focus:ring-0 custom-scrollbar" onKeyDown={handleEnterKeyboard} {...register('message')} ref={e => { register('message').ref(e); inputChatRef.current = e; }} />
This solution is mentioned in the official document of React-Hook-Form. You can access https://react-hook-form.com/faqs#Howtosharerefusage
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